American Mask
Wood, Other
Brooklyn, NY

Sceenprint on Wood
19x 25 in. (48.3 x 63.5 cm)

“The show [at Leila Heller Gallery] features beautiful silk screens, original painting and drawing and some letter-press work.... And the only link to his Egyptian work is a callback to a poster that landed him in the clink. In 2011, Ganzeer and two associates were arrested by Egyptian security forces while hanging one of his prints: a silkscreen called The Freedom Mask, of a man wearing a ball-gag and blinders, wings protruding from his temples. In the new image, the blinder is replaced by a full Captain America mask with no eye holes, the ball-gag remains, and the man sports a business suit. ‘The Great American Mask of Freedom,’ the poster reads, “since 1776 and still going strong.”

- Ali Gharib, THE NATION

All American — New York, 2015
Scope Art Fair — New York, 2018
Alwan Art Salon — New York, 2019